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TLS Certificates


Secure and credible web browsing

Altron Security offers a comprehensive suite of TLS certificate solutions designed to provide crypto agility and meet diverse security needs. Our range includes Domain Validated (DV) certificates for basic security, Organisation Validated (OV) certificates for enhanced credibility and value, and Extended Validation (EV) certificates for the highest level of trust, ideal for e-commerce and financial institutions.

Recognising the complexity of modern websites, we ensure that every organisation can find the right solution to encrypt data, authenticate identity, and build user trust.

Our certificates not only bolster security but also enhance SEO rankings and user confidence, making them a crucial part of any digital strategy.

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Key Features 

Domain Validated (DV) certificates
These entry-level certificates are a quick and straightforward way to enhance your business’ online credibility
Organisation Validated (OV) certificates
This medium level of certification offers a balance of security and value by providing additional checks to ensure online brand authenticity.
Extended Validation (EV) certificates
These certificates offer the highest level of trust and are ideally suited for e-commerce and financial institutions that must ensure secure transactions.

New product component

Identity Access Management

Manage digital identities and their access to resources within your company’s IT infrastructure.

Data and AI - Dark Data and AI - Light

User provisioning

Create, change, or disable user accounts across multiple applications.

Enterprise applications - Dark Enterprise applications - Light

User authentication

Verify the identity of the employees who access an application or system.

Cloud services - Dark-1 Cloud services - Light-1

User authorisation

Determining access and privileges based on identity or role.

Digital infrastructure - Dark Digital infrastructure - Light

User lifecycle management

Managing the entire lifecycle of an employee or digital identity.

Customers who trust our expertise


Standard Bank Logo
Hungry Lion - 01
Capitec Bank
Putco (1)

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